Fact: Maryland’s Constitution (Art. I, §
1) guarantees each citizen who is 18 years old and a resident of the State the right to vote. The fact that your home is in
foreclosure has no bearing on your right to vote. It may, however, effect where you vote. If you have left your home and taken
up a new residence, you will need to update your voter registration (by October 14, 2008) and vote in the election
district and precinct for your new residence.
Fact: A voter may wear campaign paraphernalia (buttons,
t-shirts, or stickers) into the polling place while he or she is there to vote (the voter may not linger in the polling place
after voting). However, an election judge, challenger and watcher, or other person stationed inside the polling place or within
100 feet of the polling place may not wear or display campaign materials.
UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud
that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled
threat to the outcome of the 2008 election.
This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines
in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change
election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists,
and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof.
UNCOUNTED shares well documented stories about
the spine-chilling disregard for the right to vote in America. In
Florida, computer programmer Clint Curtis is directed by his boss to create software that will "flip" votes from one
candidate to another.
In Utah, County Clerk Bruce Funk is locked out of his office for raising questions
about security flaws in electronic voting machines.
Californian Steve Heller gets convicted of a felony after he leaks secret documents
detailing illegal activities committed by a major voting machine
And Tennessee entrepreneur, Athan Gibbs, finds verifiable voting a hard sell in America
and dies before his dream of honest elections can be realized.
UNCOUNTED is a wakeup call to all Americans. Beyond
increasing the public's awareness, the film inspires greater citizen involvement in fixing a broken electoral system.
As we approach the decisive election of 2008, UNCOUNTED will change how you feel about the way votes are counted in
http://uncountedthemovie.com/ - Upcoming screenings on Starz include Sept. 24, 29 and Oct 9. Available on demand through Oct.