everyone in Alaska is a Sarah Palin fan.

September 21, 2008 - We caught up with 'Wayne',
a former Alaskan, who just moved to our area two weeks ago.
He gave us the skinny on Republican vice presidential
candidate, Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin’s credibility.
“The part in Alaska we’re from is a
pretty small town of about 6,000 ("I used to go fishing with her husband.")
"Everyone knows her and what’s she done in
Alaska – and some of the stuff she’s saying she did, we’re like, she didn’t do that.”
“The things she’s saying aren’t
true. Since she got the vice president nominee, we don’t even know who she is anymore.”
On whether
the five-month old baby is really Sarah Palin’s.
“We don’t really know if it’s
Sarah’s or not, but we do know her daughter was gone for five months.”
Palin being the governor of Alaska.
friends voted for her cause she’s pretty.”
“She’s a first-term governor.”
“She really didn’t get that many votes.
I know mayors who have more constituents than she does.”
Palin’s views on women’s issues.
“Palin has set women’s rights back one
hundred years. If she continues on this road, women won’t even have
the right to vote.”
“All the things I marched for in the ‘60s,
she has just made it all for naught.”
On voting in this year's election.
"I'm not voting for McCain/Palin. I'm voting
for Obama."