First Lady Michelle Obama, Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee, and Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton admire bust of Sojourner Truth.
April 28, 2009- A historic moment in time as the first, and only, piece of art work
commemorating an African American woman was unveiled today in the historic Emancipation Hall of the US Capitol.
Over 1000 on lookers were on hand as First Lady, Michelle Obama; House Speaker, Nancy
Pelosi; Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D); Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and other officials joined the National Congress of Black Women, Inc. in a ceremony paying homage to the woman of suffrage, Sojourner Truth.
“After nearly a ten-year campaign, initially led by Dr. C. Delores Tucker, the US Congress finally passed the H.R. 4510 Bill on December 6, 2006 to put Truth in the Capitol”, writes NCBW National Chair, Dr. E. Faye
“This triumph has been a struggle, but we have learned that from our struggles
come our victories", added Williams.
Dr. Tucker, who also lead the charge for rap artists to clean up their lyrics, passed
in 2005 before she could realize her dream of having the artwork completed, and placed in the Capitol.
When we asked her husband, William Tucker, what his late wife would say if she were
here for this momentous occasion, he offered these words.
“She would say Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Justice is coming to Washington, DC at last! Justice was denied her because she was a Black woman. When
the other four suffragists were put into the Rotunda of the Capitol, Sojourner Truth was left off of that monument. That’s why she (Dr. Tucker) spent ten years of her life pursuing that dream of making sure that her
bust was put in the United States Capitol as a representative of the suffragist movement – that’s what drove her
until her last dying days. She was not afraid of anything.”
Truth, who is known for her 1851 “Ain’t I A Woman?” speech fought against the institution of slavery, fought for the rights of women (including the right
to vote) and is an inspiration for both men, women, and children alike.
Said First Lady, Michelle Obama: “And just as many young boys and girls have walked through this Capitol -- I see
them now, and they see the bust of suffragists and hear the stories of the struggles of women, what they had to endure to
gain the right to vote -- now many young boys and girls, like my own daughters, will come to Emancipation Hall and see the
face of a woman who looks like them.”
Actress Cicely Tyson, one of many women who recited the speech over the years (as
has actress, Alfre Woodard, also in attendance) did a re-enactment of the ‘Ain’t I A Woman?’ speech during
the ceremony.
Family members of Sojourner Truth were on hand to witness the unveiling, many of which
reside in the DC metro area, and Battle Creek, MI.
We caught up the six generation grandsons of Sojourner Truth who tell us, “We
couldn’t be more proud for our country, our family, the NCBW, and everybody who fought to get this thing through. We’re just so proud”, said Burl McLeichey, Jr., motivational
More Family Members Share Their Thoughts
“I never would have believed this would come, said Jasmine McLeichey. I had a feeling, but I never imagined me being here meeting all these wonderful people. It’s a very exciting moment.”
“It’s exciting. It’s
a once in a life-time experience. Not just for me, but for everyone, especially in these times with a new president and First
Lady. It should encourage everybody to believe that no matter what you have to
go through, to persevere, press your way - because it could be 150 years later and you can see your vision come to pass”,
said the mother of Jasmine McLeichey.
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