June 3, 2008 - Senator Barack Obama has clinched
the nomination for president of the United States. The first African American
to do so, in our lifetime.
Amid the scorns of hateful commentary from his opponents,
and the naysayers (from start to finish), Senator Obama remained true to self and stayed the course.
While his opponents and political pundits reputed
his ‘Change You Can Believe In’ slogan, they would all use the term ‘change’ in their speeches and
when talking about this would-be hopeful.
McCain now uses as his slogan, ‘A President You Can Believe In’.
Give me a
But as they say, 'imitation is the best form
of flattery'.
Indeed Americans are ready for change. Americans want a decent candidate, a decent human being, to run this country.
Americans are tired of the games, the lies,
the exclusion, and the injustices against the so-called minority population.
are tired of a government who only want to line their own pockets, while forgetting about servicing the American public who
pay their salaries.
It’s interesting to note that Obama
received the required 2118 delegates to Hillary Clinton’s 1918 (at publish).
symbolic those numbers are.
2118 represents a futuristic time period,
a period to look ahead to, while 1918 represents the past, and a long forgotten era.
We have to leave the old ideas and strategies of
the past that have separated this country for far too long, and look to a future of unlimited possibilities.
And while women of America will have to wait
a little while longer for the first female president, I am proud to have the first African American nominated, and soon-to-be, president of the United States.
An African American of integrity, one who
is trustworthy, human, in touch, and wanting better for us all.
That in itself is change I can believe in.