January 20, 2009 - First Lady Michelle is spreading her message of exercise and healthy eating habits, for all children,
to mayors across the country.
The First Lady was the key note speaker at this year's
annual mayoral conference taking place January 20-22 at the Capital Hilton Hotel where her message was clear -- taking a stand against childhood
With children spending more time playing with media devices, and less time exercising, nearly one-third of American children
are overweight or obese.
"Obesity is also one of the biggest threats to the American economy. If we continue on our
current path, in ten yers, nearly fifty percent of all Americans will be obese - not just overweight, but obese", explained
Mrs. Obama.
Mayors accepting the challenge to combat obesity include Oklahoma's
mayor, Mick Cornett. Cornett lost 40 pounds to reach his target weight.

"That's the kind of impact each of you can have", stated the First Lady. "That's the power that raising awareness and setting
an example yourself can have on an entire city or town."
The First Lady plans next month to launch a major initiative on childhood obesity that mobilizes the combined resources
of the government, mayors, and non-profit sectors to put in place commonsense, innovative solutions that empower families
and communities to make healthy decisions for children.
"It is because you all govern where people feel it most", said Mrs. Obama. You see people's struggles
up close and personal. What you see on the ground is often the first indicator of what's happening on a national
The mayors will visit the White House to meet with President Obama on Thursday to address some of those concerns.
First Lady Mayor's Conference